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Re: Need help.

Hello Taras,

I am sorry the documentation let you think it would be so easy... In fact channel_open_forward only does half the work, this is connecting to a remote host:port from the ssh server and stream it into a channel. However the port binding and the select loop (to verify if data is arriving and dispatching it) is unfortunately up to you.

Looking at the select_loop in sample.c would be a good start-up for you, even if we should consider writing a working example in the examples directory. The functionnality you expected may be available in the 0.5 release.

Andreas, Maybe we should make clear into the documentation about what I just stated above. I also only see online documentation for the 0.4.0 branch when the stable branch is still 0.3.x. Could you have a look ?


Taras Halturin a écrit :
Hi all!

i'm trying to use libssh for the port forwarding and it doesnt work for me :(. I need to forward remote port to the local host like this:
ssh -L 22222:localhost:8222 fantom@xxxxxxxxxxxxx

here is the code:

    static gboolean
    do_open_channel (gchar *username, gchar *password, gchar *remote,
                     guint remote_port, guint local_port)
     SSH_SESSION *ssh = ssh_new();
     SSH_OPTIONS *opts = ssh_options_new();
     CHANNEL *ch = NULL;

     ssh_options_set_port (opts, 22);
     ssh_options_set_host (opts, remote);
    ssh_set_options (ssh, opts);

    if (ssh_connect(ssh) != SSH_OK)
    g_warning ("Error at connection :%s\n",ssh_get_error (ssh));
    return FALSE;


    if (ssh_userauth_autopubkey(ssh) != SSH_AUTH_SUCCESS)
    g_warning ("Authenticating with pubkey: %s\n",ssh_get_error(ssh));
    if (ssh_userauth_password (ssh, username, password) != SSH_AUTH_SUCCESS)
    g_warning ("Authentication with password failed: %s\n",ssh_get_error
    return FALSE;

    ch = channel_new (ssh);

    if (channel_open_forward (ch, remote, remote_port, "",
    local_port) != SSH_OK)
    g_warning ("Error when opening forward:%s\n", ssh_get_error (ssh));
    return FALSE;

    g_debug ("Chanel is forwarded");

    return TRUE;

i'm calling this func with args:

do_open_channel ("fantom","megapass", "myremote.host", 8222, 22222);

No errors happend, "Chanel is forwarded" has printed, but i can't see the listener on the 22222 port. What is wrong? Could somebody help me?


Taras Halturin.

Re: Need help.Taras Halturin <halturin@xxxxxxxxx>
Need help.Taras Halturin <halturin@xxxxxxxxx>
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